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Rails generators CLI cheatsheet

Because I got tired of forgetting the syntax and looking it up all the time

Kevin Kim
2 min readJul 1, 2018
Source: Shopify

1. Model Generators

To create a model, follow this formula:

rails g model NameOfModel column_name:datatype column_name2:datatype2 --no-test-framework

For example:

rails g model Author name:string genre:string bio:text --no-test-framework

will generate this file:

# db/migrate/20180701032833_create_authors.rbclass CreateAuthors < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
create_table :authors do |t|
t.string :name
t.string :genre
t.text :bio

2. Migration Generators

Adding Columns

To add an additional column to a table, follow this formula:

rails g migration add_name_of_column_to_table_name name_of_column:datatype --no-test-framework

For exmple, if we want to add the year an author debuted his/her first book, we would type in the following:

rails g migration add_debut_year_to_authors debut_year:integer



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